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How to Create an Accessible Home for Aging Parents – FINE Homes and Living


Updated: August 8, 2023 @ 12:08 pm

As our parents age, ensuring their comfort and safety at home becomes an increasingly important concern. Aging comes with its own set of challenges, including physical mobility and accessibility issues. Creating an accessible home environment for our aging parents can help them remain independent, safe, and content in their homes for as long as possible. This guide provides practical and effective tips on creating an accessible, secure, and comfortable environment for your aging parents.
A home lift can be a great way to ensure your elderly parents don’t have to struggle with stairs or ramps. Home lifts, such as those provided by Stiltz HealthCare, can be installed in just one day and offer a convenient and safe mobility solution for your elderly parents. They allow users to move between floors without any manual effort and are perfect for those with difficulty with stairs.
Stiltz home lifts are designed to fit comfortably in your home and come with various features, including auto-stop buttons, safety sensors, and power-assisted doors. These features help ensure your elderly parents remain safe while using the lift and can quickly move between floors independently. These easy-to-use mobility solutions allow parents to remain independent and comfortable in their homes.
Lighting is an essential element to consider for elderly individuals. Poor lighting can cause slips and falls, while it can also increase depression and fatigue. Thus, ensuring your home is well-lit with adequate task lighting where needed is essential. Consider installing motion-sensor lights that will switch on when someone enters a room; this ensures light is available without having to fumble for switches.
You can also use natural lighting, such as skylights or windows that let in enough sunlight during the day. Additionally, consider installing nightlights throughout your home. This can help your elderly parents navigate safely at night and reduce anxiety. Opting for adequate lighting solutions ensures your elderly parents can move around comfortably and safely.
The bathroom is one of the most important places to consider for accessibility when creating an accessible home. Installing grab bars near the toilet and shower can help prevent falls, as can a handheld shower attachment, so your elderly parents don’t have to step in and out of the bathtub or shower stall. Non-slip flooring is also essential; while tile and vinyl flooring can be ideal for a bathroom, you must purchase mats with non-slip backing to prevent slips or falls.
Additionally, it’s essential to ensure the sink is low enough for wheelchair users since conventional sinks can be too high. If your elderly parents use mobility aids, consider installing a raised toilet seat to make it easier for them to use the restroom. 
For many elderly individuals, stairs can pose a significant obstacle. Thus, installing ramps or elevators within the home is essential to improve mobility. Ramps, ideal for single-story homes, should be professionally installed to ensure they meet safety standards. Select ramps with slip-resistant materials and secure handrails for added safety. In multi-story homes, consider installing a residential elevator. 
While this can be a significant investment, the benefits of independence and accessibility are immense. Elevators should be evaluated for their weight capacity, size, and ease of operation. Remember, a licensed professional must complete installation to ensure safety and compliance with building codes.
If your home has multiple levels, it’s essential to ensure all the floors are slip-resistant. This is especially important for areas such as the kitchen or bathroom and areas with high traffic with a greater chance of slips or falls. Non-slip floor mats can be helpful, but you may also consider changing the material of the floors to minimize the risk of slipping. 
For hardwood, tile, or vinyl floors, consider applying non-slip coatings that will make them safer for your elderly parents to navigate around. In addition, use bright colors to ensure the surface is easily visible, and opt for softer flooring materials, such as carpets or rugs with non-slip backing, to avoid slips and falls. Taking these precautions can help ensure your elderly parents can move around safely.
It’s essential to create an emergency plan for your elderly parents in case they experience a medical issue or accident. This should include having the contact details of their doctor and any other medical professionals familiar with their condition. You may also want to install monitoring devices such as medication dispensers or motion sensors that can alert you if there is a change in your health. 
An emergency evacuation plan will also be useful, particularly if your elderly parents need to move out of the home quickly. Having all the necessary documents and supplies in one place that can be easily accessed in an emergency is crucial. Additionally, it may help install safety alarms throughout the home that can be used to alert family members or neighbors in an emergency.
Home automation systems have become increasingly popular in recent years for their convenience and safety benefits. With the help of smart devices such as motion sensors or remote-controlled lights, you can create a safe and easy-to-navigate environment for your aging parents. Voice-controlled systems such as Alexa or Google Home can make everyday tasks easier and more efficient. 
This is especially useful for elderly individuals with limited mobility or fine motor skills; with home automation systems, they can control their living space without moving around too much. Consider installing a smart doorbell that can be used to monitor visitors and alert family members when someone is at the door. Home automation systems can greatly improve safety and convenience for your aging parents, allowing them to stay independent in their homes. 
Following these steps can create a safe and accessible environment for your aging parents. By investing in modern mobility solutions, installing safety features, and having an emergency plan in place, you can ensure your elderly parents remain comfortable and independent in their own homes. With the proper preparation, you can ensure your aging parents have an enjoyable and comfortable living environment. 
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